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Labour education brings children closer to nature



     Welcome to Qiyuan International School!

TEL:66839000 Miss Ann

    Qiyuan International Experimental Primary School adheres to the innovative view of education, After more than a decade of development, Formed outstanding characteristics and advantages. For better student implementation 3 1 and 1 6 2" core literacy training, Let Kai-Yuan children moderate "wild" and "tension ", Establish and improve the Qiyuan education curriculum system, Highlighting the teaching characteristics of the combination of school, family and society through the opening of basic (camp) and research (tour) courses, To "listen to children, In the right way, To make learning a lifelong pleasure, Qiyuan International Experimental Primary School carried out social practice activities. Qiyuan children's learning places are not only in quiet classrooms and beautiful campuses, It also exists in harmonious nature. 20-23 October, More than 170 students in the second grade of Qiyuan International Experimental Primary School opened the social practice activity with the theme of "Labor Education" in Qiyuan's close to the natural wild development education base.


Camp labour -- self-awarenes


     Golden Harvest Avenue, fierce PK activities, strict discipline requirements, fair selection of small captains, these let the children in practice to get exercise, in exercise has been improved, so that their ability has been improved. The subsequent blank research scroll distribution, but also opened the children's imagination space. They use "my hand to draw my heart ", in the scroll to describe their own heart of the future blueprint.

     If the morning is in quiet learning, then the afternoon is in the labor harvest —— farmland digging sweet potatoes, peeling corn. Children not only reap happiness, but also learn to work with others to overcome difficulties. Especially in the process of hands-on practice, the children have a deeper understanding of "spring planting a millet, autumn harvest ten thousand seeds "," who knows the plate meal, all the grains are hard ", and the seeds of" love of labor "are also deeply sown in the hearts of the children.


     Ritual, music, shooting, imperial, book, number are the ancient six arts, children in the "shooting" not only experienced the technology of shooting, but also in the handover to understand the etiquette; the next team game-waste sorting, bonfire party and other content let the children in different to harvest different learning experience, so that "life is learning" has been fully interpreted.



     A day is short, but the children's gains are infinite. A day of activities, each child close to nature, honed the will, cultivate the spirit of cooperation, enhance team cohesion. These little experiences and learning are the footprints of children's growth, the witness of them becoming "five good teenagers ", and their creative learning under the concept of" listening to their voices, adapting to the trend and educating "innovative education.


Practice of Research -- Understanding the Culture


     On the second day of the "labor education" social practice activities of Qiyuan students, the children met the morning sun, with a good mood all the way, full of expectation to open the perception of Yu Shang culture, pay homage to the former residence of poetry.

     First stop —— Kang million Manor. Kang million Manor is a typical feudal fortress building manor in North China, which plays an important role in the cultural type of manor in China. All over the manor brick carving, wood carving, stone carving and other artistic components, its details make the manor appear full of charm, different. Among them, there are engraving patterns such as "worship teachers to read "," respect the old and love the young "," determined to become talented" and so on. The philosophy contained therein not only makes Kang's descendants educated, but also makes Qiyuan's students cross the long river of history and benefit a lot. Children take pictures leaving a beautiful moment, but retain the manor culture to its growth accumulation.


     If Kang million Manor is a symbol left by history, a microcosm of the times and a witness of the vicissitudes of life of a family, the second stop —— Du Fu's hometown is one of the cultural birthplaces that witnessed the rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty in poetry. Heluo culture cultivated the noble feelings of Du Fu, even in the wandering, also did not forget to use "dew from tonight white, the moon is hometown Ming" deep feelings for home. Cultivating the "five good teenagers" into elite talents with international vision and patriotic feelings is also the goal that Qiyuan education has been pursuing.

      Listening to Du Fu's Poems ," read ten thousand books, write as if there is God ". "Poetry Saint" Du Fu let the children have a deeper understanding of reading ;" will be the top, a view of the small mountains ." This let Qiyuan students from the cultural neutrality of poetry under the courage to do not fear difficulties, forever peak ambition.

      Two days and one night, the children not only exercise willpower in labor practice, understand how to cherish the fruits of labor, but also be influenced and infected by its charm in the cultural and historical tunnel of the Central Plains. These creative learning and experience lay the foundation for them to become international elite leaders in the future.


Composition: Lee Pengfei